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Budgets Overview Part 7


Let's end the year strong with BUDGETS !



So we know a budget is a plan to save, track, and improve your money situation.

A budget includes "INCOME" and "EXPENSES"

Use the below choices for the assignment

Rate Today's Experience on a scale of 1 to 5. (Example: 5 stars means you enjoyed this assignment. 1 star means you really didn't enjoy it.)Rate Today's Experience on a scale of 1 to 5. (Example: 5 stars means you enjoyed this assignment. 1 star means you really didn't enjoy it.)

Let's end the year strong with BUDGETS !

Showing up to work is half the battle. We are proud of you.

Good job learning and building your money !

We will be taking a vacation from work so you can enjoy the Holidays with your family.

We will return on January 2nd. Hope to see you then!

Never know what new things we will have!

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