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Budgets Overview Part 9


Becoming a Budgeting Expert


So we know a budget is a plan to save, track, and improve your money situation. So why is it so important that we keep doing budgeting assignments you may ask?

The more you practice, you will know how to make sure you always have enough money to take care of yourself when you grow up.

A budget includes "INCOME" and "EXPENSES"

Use the below choices for the assignment

You will need to PICK THE BEST 5 out of 6 answers below when creating your budget

(for each Income & Expense section) . 

The goal is to create a budget that will leave you with THE MOST MONEY LEFT OVER.

Hint: for example, the less money you spend, the more you will have left over.

For this exercise, when you sell something, you receive money.



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Let's Create Another Budget

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